IJRTE is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, inter-disciplinary, bimonthly, and fully refereed journal in the field of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering. The objective of IJRTE is to disseminate new knowledge and technology for the benefit of everyone ranging from
students to the academic and professional research communities and industry practitioner. IJRTE focuses to promote young researchers to
realize new theories and recent developments thus bridging the gap between research theories and industrial developments. IJRTE aims to
provide a venue for dissemination of research outputs and activities in field of Electrical, Electronics Communication, Electronics
instrumentation and other related fields. IJRTE will stimulate young scientists in such a way that they are able to integrate theoretical research
with industrial development by giving an organizational frame for carrying out big and integrated projects those are beyond the manpower of
single research groups. IJRTE further aims to spread knowledge and results in an efficient manner. |